Chance Fracture

The Chance fracture is a transverse fracture through a vertebral body and neural arch (see figures). The Chance fracture is a flexion-distraction injury. Although it was originally described as a pure osseous lesion, the fracture may also occur through the disc and the ligaments. It also known as the seat belt fracture, because it is usually associated with motor vehicle accidents in which the injured passenger is wearing a seat belt, frequently just a lap seatbelt. It was described by British radiologist George Chance.
Chance fracture generally occurs at the thoracolumbar junction. Although it involves all three columns of the spine, it can be treated with orthoses when it was a pure osseous lesion. In case of external stabilization is not feasible (due to severe obesity, concomitant systemic trauma, etc) it requires spinal stabilization to restore the posterior tension band.

  • Chance Fracture
Channce Fracture (seat belf fracture) Chance Fracture

For a comprehensive review of the Chance Fracture, visit:

Last Updated: 09/08/2011 10:51:42
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