Spinal Implants

Spinal implants come in many different shapes, designs, materials and properites to accommodate different needs of spine patients.  It is useful break them into categories according to type of the surgical approach they used, such as anterior/posterior and cervical/thoracolumbar.

Anterior Cervical Implants

Anterior cervical implants are used to support, replace or fixate vertebral body. Main categories of this grup include plates and cages.  Below, there is list of anterior cervical implants.

Posterior Cervical Implants

Posterior cervical implants are used to stabilize cervical area. The group consists of a wide range of spectrum including screw-rod , plate-rod systems, hook or wires.

Anterior Thoracolumbar Implants

Anterior thoracolumbar implants are used to support or replace vertebral body. Main categories of this grup include screw-plate or screw-rod systems and cages.  Below, there is list of anterior thoracolumbar implants.

Posterior Thoracolumbar Implants

Posterior thoracolumbar impant group cover a wide range of spinal implants. Those are mainly screw-rod, hook, interspinous devices.

By time, many spinal implants drop out from production line. Below, you may reach some implants which are not in the market today:

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